Sabbatical Adventures begin . . .

Sabbatical Adventures begin . . .

Friday, April 11, 2014

Thoughts on Rest

As you can see by all my posts, I've been resting quite a bit lately.  I am somewhat like the heading photograph, a dory just moored and floating in the bay. Though not in the water, I am spending time on my patio, checked out of my ordinary daily routines.  But what about rest?  Is it just an absence of activity? A time to "slack-off"?

REST according to Websters is:
1) peace, refreshment as produced by sleep
2) a period of inactivity after work or exertion
3) relief from things annoying, or distressing . . .
 . . . . . . and several other definitions with the last one being:
8) a device for supporting something, as a foot rest

I am making progress in my period of rest, (although some might feel that is an oxymoron.)  I feel like this time is "supporting" me in my future endeavors.  It is helping me separate the wheat kernel from its chaff. As I said previously in this post, I have made a couple of decisions, one of them regarding my spiritual life. Although this decision is a private one, I can tell you how this Sabbatical rest is supporting me spiritually. I am learning:

1)  Rest is a discipline. A basic need of all, both the rest and discipline.  

I am enjoying the teaching of Graham Cooke, and recently found he did some teaching on "The Practice of Rest." Now, I haven't heard it, but his quote was:

"Rest empowers you to become God-conscious, where He is the focus, He has the pre-eminence in all . . . We need that spiritual discipline." 

2) I am learning to live in rest. 

One of Graham Cooke's associates said:

Rest was "to step back, refresh and take a breath. Stepping back into stillness, into our secret place for a few hours or even a few days will allow us to realign and hear His voice."

I am realigning and I have heard some new direction.  I have heard and I will again, in my rest. 

3) I am kept away from a satisfied life without rest.

Another of my mentors, Richard J. Foster, has written a book called Celebration of Discipline.  In it he talks about solitude.  (BTW, you can be mentored by people you never met thru their literature.)

Loneliness is inner emptiness.  Solitude is inner fulfillment.

Our adversary majors in three things: noise, hurry and crowds.  If he can keep us engaged in "muchness" and manyness," he will be satisfied. 
My life, these days is much happier and contented.  
Anyone else feel like giving REST some space in your life?


  1. yes. I've been doing a bit more of it. not going at breakneck speed.
    I am seeking balance.
