In the middle of my rewrite process, I recently read an article by Steven Gillis that was bluntly advocating that the 'art' of writing is in the 'rewriting'. I'd not thought much about what good 'writing' entailed, until I wrote a novel. I understood 'cut and paste' but not the intricate rearrangement of chapters and chapters of thought!
Mr. Gillis went on to say that when he taught a university creative writing class that his class assignment was to write a single story. The class would then use the entire semester to do rewrite after rewrite! His article inspired me in my own rewriting process not only in page by page editing, but chapter by chapter finishing.
I have been living with my novel for quite some time now, on and off since 2010 when the premise caught my attention. It sometimes feels like I will be a 'one novel' author! I am at the point I want to get loose from this first novel and start on my second, but . . . details need to match, the story needs to flow, yet have intrigue. I am still hoping that all this process will lead, at some point, to the conviction that the work is indeed finished. What a day that will be!
In the meantime, can you take my survey in the right sidebar? It will relieve my mind of one detail, at least for a while. I want your opinion of a possible title to my work. I would appreciate your input!
Please .
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P.S. Thanks to all who voted, my novel has a title!